Laser resurfacing is a popular, non-surgical treatment for getting rid of unwanted fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and other skin irregularities. But, what exactly is laser resurfacing? How does it work? What types of lasers are used in laser resurfacing? Dr. Sikorski of Natural Image OC, a board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon, is here to answer all your questions about this ever-so-popular treatment, and explain what lasers she uses in her practice.
What is Laser Resurfacing?
To understand how laser resurfacing works, it’s important first to understand how the skin functions. The skin is made up of several layers, with the oldest layer on the surface. As part of the skin cycle, our skin naturally sheds, revealing newer, younger layers of skin beneath. This shedding process is very fast when we are young, but by the time we hit our teens and twenties, it begins slowing down, meaning the surface of your skin is older, rougher, and dryer than it was in your childhood youth.
Laser resurfacing works to speed up the skin cycle and reveal newer, more youthful-looking skin. When patients get laser resurfacing at Natural Image OC, Dr. Sikorski uses a laser device to direct short, pulsating beams of light at your skin irregularities. The results are that fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, surgical scars, and other blemishes seem to magically fade away!
What Types of Lasers Are Used in Laser Resurfacing?
Patients undergoing laser resurfacing at Natural Image OC will be treated with one of the following types of lasers:
Fraxel Laser
The Fraxel laser does not remove skin, but rather uses intense heat to cause the skin to produce collagen, to naturally heal itself and provide a more youthful appearance. The Fraxel laser is a particularly effective laser resurfacing treatment for residents with sun spots, actinic keratosis, acne scars, melasma, and crow’s feet.
Mixto Laser
The Mixto laser is a CO2 laser resurfacing treatment that removes deeper layers of damaged skin and stimulates the production of collagen. The Mixto laser is especially effective on acne scars, pigmentation and sun damage, wrinkle reduction, tightening up loose skin, and reducing the incidence of pre-cancerous actinic keratosis.
The PhotoDerm, which is an intense pulsed light, works by pulsing a special light to the skin. Your skin irregularities, including pigment marks and small veins, will naturally absorb more light, resulting in the reduction of their appearance.
Vbeam is a non-surgical laser resurfacing treatment for residents with visible facial veins. This laser resurfacing treatment type works by delivering pulsating light, which is drawn to the color in the blood vessels.
Thulium Laser
The Thulium laser is a fractional treatment, which creates thousands of microscopic zone in your skin, which are then healed by your body’s natural rejuvenation process. The Thulium laser is a versatile laser resurfacing treatment that can treat a variety of skin irregularities, brown spots, and sun damage.
Smoothbeam Laser
The Smoothbeam laser is a specialized laser resurfacing treatment that was created to specifically treat acne scarring. Patients with acne scars love that the Smoothbeam laser produces reliable results with minimal downtime.
How Do I Know Which Laser Type is Right for Me?
If you’re a resident ready to say “Goodbye!” to your skin irregularities, the best thing you can do is call Dr. Sikorski at Natural Image OC. During a consultation with Dr. Sikorski, she will evaluate your face and determine the best laser resurfacing laser type for your skin condition.