Medical Dermatology in Mission Viejo

Medical dermatology services at Natural Image OC focuses on dermatitis, melasma, and skin cancer, as well as precancer. Dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Lenore Sikorski offers world-class medical dermatology services for our patients in Mission Viejo to treat a variety of skin concerns that are medical and cosmetic in nature, such as eczema.

Dr. Sikorski brings over two decades of experience in cosmetic dermatology and surgery, with a strong background in treating medical conditions. For more information about booking your consultation for medical dermatology in Mission Viejo, connect with our clinic today.

The Difference Between Medical Dermatology and Cosmetic Dermatology

Medical dermatology differs from cosmetic dermatology in that it provides treatments for medical skin conditions that compromise the function of the skin and the health of the individual. An example of medical dermatology is treatment for skin cancer. Cosmetic dermatology, on the other hand, aims to improve the appearance of the skin, to help the skin look its best, and to help the patient feel their most attractive.

Usually, patients approach Dr. Sikorski seeking cosmetic dermatology to make their skin look more youthful; our clinic has a range of anti-aging treatments that are designed to help our patients look their best. However, in many cases, Dr. Sikorski’s medical dermatology treatments in Mission Viejo will dramatically improve the cosmetic appearance of the skin anyway. For example, treatment for dermatitis could stop your skin from itching and clear a red, scaly rash.

Medical Dermatology Treatments We Offer

We offer treatments for patients experiencing dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and skin allergies. Our melasma treatments include Fraxel(R) laser, photoderm, Pico laser, pregnancy mask, sun damage treatments, Thulium Laser, and medications. Our skin cancer and precancer treatments include Actinic Keratosis Peel, Mohs Surgery, PDT, Thulium Laser, and chemotherapy cream.

The best way to find out which treatment is right for you is to schedule a consultation. During your consultation, you can talk about your goals and concerns with Dr. Sikorski, who will be able to recommend the right treatment for your clearest, most comfortable skin. Natural Image OC believes in personalizing every treatment based on an individual’s lifestyle and goals.

Patient comfort is of high importance, so at every procedure, we offer numbing creams, other anesthetics, and nitrous oxide.

Is Medical Dermatology Right for Me?

In your first consultation with our clinic, Dr. Sikorski will review all your treatment options and advise you as to which ones are best for your needs. This will include a personalized skin assessment and medical review to ensure you are a good candidate for your chosen procedure. You can be assured that your Mission Viejo medical dermatology treatment will only be recommended if you are deemed to be a suitable candidate during your initial consultation.

For most patients, our medical dermatology treatments are recommended for their respective conditions because they are safe, regardless of skin type or tone. Each one of our dermatology, cosmetic surgery, and medical procedures are FDA-approved. Certain treatments may not be available to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Transform Your Skin with Medical Dermatology in Mission Viejo

Dr. Lenore Sikorski is a leader in the field of medical dermatology and cosmetic surgery. Natural Image OC offers a range of medical dermatology treatments, specializing in dermatitis, melasma, skin cancer, and pre-cancer.

If you would like to book your consultation for medical dermatology in Mission Viejo, give us a call today. Your consultation will be with Dr. Sikorski, not an impersonal or commissioned salesperson. We are on the journey with you to achieve healthy skin and look forward to discussing your customized treatment.